Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Monday October 7th

I believe that I have some theroies of why there are so many bats, but I digress. I believe that it has something to do with those weird dreams about bats I've been having.
The next day I decided to ask my friend about it.

"Hey Tiger Stripes!" I yelled out as soon as I entered the coffeshop and saw him.

Tiger Stripes or Tiger is a very good friend of mine, he is a video game addict and love playing the guitar.

"What is it Journal?"

"Well I've been wondering, what would a dream about bats mean?"



"Well I suppose it could mean either tragedy or heroic action on your part or both like in Batman Begins"

"That's what I thought"

"So what's up Journal?"

"Nothing much just trying to get by. Killed a bunch of bats yesterday"


"Tiger! I wonder what if we started going about in the fears business?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know in Rapture we are only used as props despite the fact that we are both gorgeous humans."

"Yeah I too think that was a big mistake...man the way Jordan swings me around is annoying. Why was I the guitar?"

"It's obvious, but anyway...I thought perhaps we should go on a fear ridden Journey"

"Journal it doesn't work like that, you can't just expect the fears to show up out of nowhere and stalk you, there has to be a reason."

"Pff...I am just so bored these days, I have nothing to do"

"Well do you have any leads?"

"A dark haired girl appeared out of nowhere last morning at my house, then she vanished"

"And you go with the bats story first?"

"It was more terrifying"


"Tiger Stripes, do I have to lecture you again about the fact that I hate bats?"

"No I get that jus-"

"Shut up Tiger Stripes!"


  1. This is funny, if not downright hillarious although the context of it is lost on me.

    1. Someone isn't a Rapture fan.


      This is where your life is made slave to the updates of this epic.

      Good day, madam!

